October 10, 2023

Divergence - A case for different upgrade approaches

APT currently knows about three types of upgrades:

  • upgrade without new packages (apt-get upgrade)
  • upgrade with new packages (apt upgrade)
  • upgrade with new packages and deletions (apt{,-get} {dist,full}-upgrade)

All of these upgrade types are necessary to deal with upgrades within a distribution release. Yes, sometimes even removals may be needed because bug fixes require adding a Conflicts somewhere.

In Ubuntu we have a third type of upgrades, handled by a separate tool: release upgrades. ubuntu-release-upgrader changes your sources.list, and applies various quirks to the upgrade.

In this post, I want to look not at the quirk aspects but discuss how dependency solving should differ between intra-release and inter-release upgrades.

Previous solver projects (such as Mancoosi) operated under the assumption that minimizing the number of changes performed should ultimately be the main goal of a solver. This makes sense as every change causes risks. However it ignores a different risk, which especially applies when upgrading from one distribution release to a newer one: Increasing divergence from the norm.

Consider a person installs foo in Debian 12. foo depends on a | b, so a will be automatically installed to satisfy the dependency. A release later, a has some known issues and b is prefered, the dependency now reads: b|a.

A classic solver would continue to keep a installed because it was installed before, leading upgraded installs to have foo, a installed whereas new systems have foo, b installed. As systems get upgraded over and over, they continue to diverge further and further from new installs to the point that it adds substantial support effort.

My proposal for the new APT solver is that when we perform release upgrades, we forget which packages where previously automatically installed. We effectively perform a normalization: All systems with the same set of manually installed packages will end up with the same set of automatically installed packages. Consider the solving starting with an empty set and then installing the latest version of each previously manually installed package: It will see now that foo depends b|a and install b (and a will be removed later on as its not part of the solution).

Another case of divergence is Suggests handling. Consider that foo also Suggests s. You now install another package bar that depends s, hence s gets installed. Upon removing bar, s is not being removed automatically because foo still suggests it (and you may have grown used to foo’s integration of s). This is because apt considers Suggests to be important - they won’t be automatically installed, but will not be automatically removed.

In Ubuntu, we unset that policy on release upgrades to normalize the systems. The reasoning for that is simple: While you may have grown to use s as part of foo during the release, an upgrade to the next release already is big enough that removing s is going to have less of an impact - breakage of workflows is expected between release upgrades.

I believe that apt release-upgrade will benefit from both of these design choices, and in the end it boils down to a simple mantra:

  • On upgrades within a release, minimize changes.
  • On upgrades between releases, minimize divergence from fresh installs.

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