April 1, 2012

Functional programming language for Python programmers and friends

Just for you, and this time in the Pythonesque rendering.

module main:
    import std (range)
    import std.io (printf, IO)

    # print the Fahrenheit-Celcius table for fahr = 0, 20, ..., 300
    function main(mutable IO io):
        Int lower = 0    # lower bound
        Int upper = 300  # upper bound
        Int step = 20    # step
        for Int fahr in range(lower, upper, step):
            Double celcius = 5 * (fahr - 32) / 9
            std.io.printf(io, "%3d\t%6.1f\n", fahr, celcius)

It does not really look like it, but this language is purely functional. It represents side effects using unique types. If you declare a mutable parameter, you basically declare a unique input parameter and a unique output parameter.

I’m also giving you a list implementation

module std.container.list:

    ## The standard singly-linked list type
    type List[E]:
        Nil                     ## empty list
            E value             ## current value
            List[E] next        ## remaining list

_ _And yes, both languages should be able to be represented using the same abstract syntax tree. The only change is the replacement of the opening curly brace by a colon, the removal of the closing curly bracket and semicolons, the replacement of C-style comments with Python-style comments and the requirement of indentation; oh and the for statement gets a bit lighter as well.

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