December 22, 2009

Nokia N900

Yesterday, an N900 I bought from Amazon Warehouse Deals arrived. The device is great, but I discovered today that the AV output only outputs sound on the right speaker and nothing on the left one. So it seems that I have to send it back and will thus not have a N900 during Christmas.

Appart from that problem, the device works almost perfectly. The internet browsing experience is faboulus, the camera is good, and the device is fast; the screen is great and the speakers are great as well. The keyboard is easy to type with and you can type fast after a short time. The video player does not seem to like my H.264 files (the OpenMAX decoder fails whereas on my PC ffmpeg is able to play it).

That’s all for now, I’ll write again when I have a N900 with working AV output.

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