February 11, 2008

JAK LINUX website now powered by ikiwiki

I’m glad to announce that finally, after being powered by ftpsync for more than six months, the JAK LINUX website now uses ikiwiki.

I currently have some small issues with the website: After using –rebuild, tarballs have a different modification time and are therefore reuploaded everytime, though the content is actually the same. I would also need a plugin to create directory indexes with sha1sums, but I haven’t found one yet. (If you know one, please let me know).

If you have never heard of ikiwiki: ikiwiki is a wiki system used and developed by Debian Developer Joey Hess and many contributors. In contrast to ftpsync, a python script I wrote in 2007, it has an active upstream with multiple contributors, and supports multiple markup languages (e.g. Markdown).

This switch to ikiwiki is also a switch back to the design used at mentors.debian.net, which had been replaced in December 2007 with a (CC-licensed) design created by styleshout.com. This template just looks better and has the better license (GPL-2).

In the next days, I will cleanup and extend the website and the template and release both under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2. I will alsoI will also try to write a plugin for directory indexes, write a plugin to create directory indexes (although I have almost no experience with perl), and will release it under the GPL 2.

Thank you, Joey and all contributors for creating this software.

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